Moulmein Limestone Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Karen–Tenasserim Unit - South (Phuket Terrain), amd might be expected to be present at least locally in this northern segment of the Karen–Tenasserim Unit. The term ‘Moulmein Limestone’ was adopted by Bender (1983) based on the ‘Moulmein Beds’ described by Oldham (1856). However, as discussed above, insofar as the type area of that unit is near Hpa-An, 40 km north of Mawlamyine (Moulmein) and outside the Karen–Tenasserim Unit. [Original Publication: Barber, A. J., Khin Zaw & Crow, M. J. (eds) 2017. Myanmar: Geology, Resources and Tectonics. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 48, 365-384]
Lithology and Thickness
Limestone. Might be metamorphosed Moulmein Limestone although the location of the unit’s boundary in this northern area is not certain. Grey muddy limestone outcrops also occur.
[Figure: Simplified stratigraphic sections to illustrate the contrasting stratigraphy between the Karen–Tenasserim Unit of central Myanmar and the Shan Plateau, part of the Sibuma block of Ridd (2016) (after Michael F. Ridd, 2017)]
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Unconformable with Taungnyo Fm
Upper contact
It is the youngest Fm in this unit
Regional extent
The Moulmein Limestone Fm (the correlative of the Ratburi Limestone Fm in Peninsular Thailand). Moulmein Limestone Fm of the present area can be correlated with the Dolomitic Limestone Unit Fm, widely exposed in Karen and Mon states. In the Mae Sot area of Thailand (Ueno & Charoentitirat 2011) the Moulmein Limestone Fm correlates with the Doi Phawar Fm, a carbonate unit dated as Middle Permian and younger. In Tanintharyi State (Malay peninsula), it can be correlated to Tharabwin Limestone Fm.
Depositional setting
Shallow, warm water environments
Additional Information